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Monique Bonnier-Pitts, la fille de Claude Bonnier nous a quitté

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique PortraitSection Spéciale de Sabotage

Nous venons d'apprendre la triste nouvelle du décès de Monique Bonnier-Pitts la fille de Claude Bonnier "Hypoténuse" délégué militaire régionale du Général de Gaulle.

Monique Bonnier-Pitts has passed away on Sunday December 25th 2016 aged 90. Born in Paris in 1926, daughter to Claude and Thérèse Bonnier. In 1947 Monique married Jesse Richard Pitts, a copilot with the 379th BG USAAF during the war and author of "Return to Base : Memoirs of a B-17 Copilot, Kimbolton, England, 1943-1944" published in 2003. In her working life she was a professor at Oakland university and held a PhD in French Medieval Literature.

A graveside service will be held on Tuesday January 3rd 2017 at Montilcello Memory Gardens, Charlottesville in the U.S. where she had lived after the war with her husband, daughter and three sons.

Monique had been extremely proud of her father's sacrifice and had taken part in ceremonies and reunions in his memory in the South West of France over the years. She had presented his story in a website in his honour. Following is the link : Claude Bonnier     The website created by Monique is in French and English.

Michèle Cézard, la fille du colonel Rac has kindly sent us the photo below of her souvenir from 1998 at a reunion of members and family of the Section Spéciale de Sabotage. One can see the kind message from Monique Bonnier-Pitts amongst others dedicated on the first page of Nous les Terroristes by Marc Leproux.

A lire également / More info :

Obituary - The Daily Progress (link/lien)
Mémorial Claude Bonnier "Hypoténuse" - Angeac-sur-Charente (lien/link)
Sud Ouest 26 novembre 2013 : Hommage aux résistants (lien/link)

Saint-Palais-sur-Mer (17) : cérémonies commémoratives - jeudi 5 janvier 2017

Madame, Monsieur,

J'ai l'honneur, au nom de la municipalité ainsi que des associations du souvenir français et des anciens combattants et victimes de guerre, de vous inviter aux cérémonies organisées à la mémoire des aviateurs morts sur la ville de Saint-Palais-sur-Mer, le 5 janvier 1945.

Cette cérémonie débutera le jeudi 5 janvier 2017 à 11h à la Chapelle des Aviateurs au Platin et se poursuivra à 11h30 par une cérémonie du souvenir au cimetière de Courlay.

A l'issue de ces manifestations, un vin d'honneur sera servi à l'Hôtel de ville de Saint-Palais-sur-Mer.

Comptant sur votre présence.
Très cordialement,
La Conseillère déléguée aux affaires militaires,
Françoise MIGNOT

La Charente Libre : Supplément publié pour les 50 ans du journal (2 septembre 1944 - 2 septembre 1994)

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Août 1944 : Direction AngoulêmeDocument et livre

Fin juillet 1944. 
Une petite dizaine de personnes se réunissent pour créer un journal. Le titre est trouvé - La Charente Libre, mais il faut tout mettre en place, pour que tout soit fin prêt, le jour de la Libération. 
Le 2 septembre 1944 un journal libre naissait.

Le premier numéro de La Charente Libre, le 2 septembre 1944. Il ne comporte qu'une seule page et est tiré à 20 000 exemplaires distribués dans tout le département.

Pour commémorer les 50 ans de la Charente Libre, un supplément de 4 pages du journal quotidien a été publié sous le titre La délivrance. (N° 15.414 - 2 septembre 1994).

1er septembre 1944. Dans Angoulême libéré, des maquisards posent devant des grilles de l'hotel de ville en compagnie du concierge.

A lire également : 

La Charente Libre, 70 ans d'histoire et d'histoires (lien)

Mémorial aux enfants de Kindertransport : gare de Liverpool street à Londres

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Lieu de mémoire

Kindertransport est une opération humanitaire menée par la Grande-Bretagne neuf mois avant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, et au cours de laquelle elle accueillit près de 10 000 enfants principalement juifs d'Allemagne, d'Autriche, de Tchécoslovaquie et de la ville de Dantzick (Pologne). Les enfants furent placés dans des familles d'accueils anglaises, des pensions et des fermes. 
La gare de Liverpool Street avait été le principal lieu d'arrivée et de point de rencontre pour les enfants et les familles anglaises.

Kindertransport Mémorial par Flor Kent
Dévoilé par Sir Nicholas Winton en 2003 en dehors de la gare de Liverpool Street à Londres.
Depuis 2011 le monument se trouve près du guichet à l'intérieur de la gare.

A lire également :

Kindertransport (lien)
Sir Nicholas Winton (lien)

Exposition sur la ligne de démarcation - Allemans (24) - Janvier 2017

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Évènement

Exposition sur la ligne de démarcation - Allemans, Dordogne

Du 9 janvier 09:00 au 31 janvier 18:00

Dans la salle du conseil municipal, une exposition sur la ligne de démarcation, qui avait coupé notre commune en deux, va être mise en place du début janvier à fin janvier.

Vernissage vendredi 20 janvier à 18 heures en présence de l’auteur écrivain, Patrice Rolli.

Visible aux heures d’ouverture de la mairie.

Visite possible sur rendez-vous au : 05 53 90 91 36

L'auteur historien Patrice Rolli sera vendredi 20 janvier à la mairie d'Allemans (nord-ouest de Ribérac) pour l'inauguration à 18 heures de l'exposition "Au fil de la ligne de démarcation", dont toutes les photographies sont issues de son ouvrage L'occupation allemande en Périgord (2015). Il a retrouvé la plupart de ces clichés très rares en Allemagne et ils représentent le secteur de Verteillac, La Rochebeaucourt, Gout Rossignol etc. 

Il présentera l'exposition au public, répondra aux questions et il dédicacera ses ouvrages sur la période. Le but sera également de susciter des témoignages et de rechercher des documents sur la ligne de démarcation à Allemans (photographies, documents, voire traces matérielles) afin d'enrichir l'exposition d'un panneau supplémentaire concernant la commune. L'exposition est visible jusqu'à la fin du mois de janvier.

A lire également :

L'occupation allemande en Périgord de Patrice Rolli (lien)
Ribérac - Monument des fusillés de 1944 (lien)

446th BG - B-24 crash near Marcillac on 31st December 1943


On 31st December 1943 464 B-24s from the 8th USAAF based in the South East of England set out on a mission to attack a blockade runner at Gironde, airfields being used by the Germans at Bordeaux-Merignac, Cognac-Chateaubernard and St. Jean d'Angely in the South West of France and two airfields on the outskirts of Paris. Due to bad weather and attack from enemy fire, twenty two of the planes did not make it back to their bases in England.

In "Les deux Charentes sous les bombes" an exhaustive work by Christian Genet, Jacques Leroux and Bernard Ballanger, published in 2008, about a quarter of the book is dedicated to the ten planes that came down in the Charente, the Charente-Maritime and close to their borders in Deux-Sèvres and the Gironde 

With the kind permission of the author Bernard Ballanger I have translated the 13 pages that tells the story of the crew that flew "Flak Bait". They were part of the 446th Bomb Group based at Station 125 near Bungay in Suffolk and one of the 22 planes that were lost during the mission.
The photos are by kind permission of Bernard Ballanger and the two photos of Louis Sortino are with the kind permission of his daughter Barbara Sortino Potter.

Pilot : 2nd Lt Charles V. Frascati
Co Pilot : 2nd Lt Victor J. Swenson
Navigator : 1st Lt Gustavo Kotta
Bombardier : 2nd Lt Richard S. Wilson
Radio Operator : T/Sgt Edward L. Cannon
Top Gurret Gunner : T/Sgt E. Warner
Ball Turret Gunner : S/Sgt Felix L. Anderson
Waist Gunner : S/Sgt Louis C. Sortino
Waist Gunner : Sgt Edwin R. Ashworth
Tail Runner : S/Sgt Bennie J. Ricci

Near the small village of Les Agrières, in the commune of Marcillac in the Gironde close to the border of Charente-Maritime, an American B-24 crashed at 12.30 pm in a pine forest close to the D254. In 2001 a monument in memory of the crew of the B-24 was erected at the approximate place where the plane crashed.

The plane was a B-24 Liberator, named "Flak Bait" (also referred to as "Devil's Dream" - either names have not been confirmed) belonging to the 706th squadron of the 446th Bomb Group of which its initial objective that day had been the bombing of the airfield at La Rochelle.

Before reaching the French coast, the plane's pilot Lieutenant Charles Frascati had worries about one of the planes four engines. While flying over France towards their objective the plane came under attack by German Messerschmitt 109 fighter planes and two more engines were damaged. The B-24 Liberator quickly lost altitude. Lieutenant Gustavo Kotta, the bombardier navigator on board decided to drop their bombs over a river to lighten their load.

Crew of the B-24
Standing from left to right : Bennie Ricci, Edwin Ashworth, Robert Warner, Edward Cannon, Felix Anderson, Louis Sortino. Kneeling from left to right : Gustavo Kotta, Charles Frascati, Richard Wilson, Victor Swenson.
The B-24 left its formation following the coastline to the west of Bordeaux. The plane was in distress and the Pilot gave the order for the crew to bail out and they all put their parachutes on. The Sergeants Bennie Ricci, Louis Sortino, Edwin Ashworth and Felix Anderson jumped from the trap door in the gunner's section. The copilot Victor Swenson jumped through the bomb door followed by the Radio Operator Edward Cannon and the Mechanic Robert Warner. The whole crew had bailed out in less than two minutes, ten men in total. Sadly one of them fell to his death, possibly due to parachute malfunction or shot by Germans during his descent. Eye witnesses differ on this.

The nine other parachutists landed successfully, dispersed over a large area between the villages of Marcillac in the Gironde and Montendre and Courpignac in the Charente-Maritime. Only two of them would be successful in evading capture and cross the Pyrénées over to Spain. They were Gustavo Kotta, who got back to England on 17th April 1944 and Robert Warner who got back to England on 11th May 1944. Their seven fellow crew members would be captured, some of them while trying to get down to the border with Spain.

Each of the crew members possessed an evasion kit pack which contained items to help navigate and to survive. When he had been taken prisoner by the Germans, the Sergeant Edward Cannon had in his possession his two "dog tags", a map of France with a map of Germany on the other side, a plastic map of North Africa, a wallet containing 2000 francs, a survival kit including rations, matches, a compass and some wire.

Sergeant Edwin Ashworth - Waist Gunner
We have mentioned earlier that one of the airmen of "Flak Bait" had died on impact after his parachute failed to open. This was Sergeant Edwin Ashworth. In the report given by the crew, Sergeant Anderson writes : "I had spoken with him just before we put on our parachutes and he was injured. With the help of Sergeant Ricci we had helped the two gunners to jump from the plane". Some witness accounts tell us the story of Ashworth's jump.

Thérèse Lafon, née Bouinot, aged 9 at the time was living with her parents in the village of Chez Marronnier in the commune of Rouffignac to the north west of Montendre. She remembers having seen the plane in difficulty above the village of Chez Georget, being chased by German fighter planes. The parachutists had jumped from the plane and were coming down. One of them had been shot. His parachute, probably filled with bullet holes looked like an egg she thought. Edwin Ashworth fell quickly down to the ground, landing in a stream in the village of Marronniers. His body landing hard on the ground, he had, it seemed, a shot wound to his head just behind the ear.

The Gendarmerie at Montendre had been quickly informed and two French Gendarmes arrived at the location soon after. They searched his clothes and found the identity papers of this unfortunate American. A photo found amongst his papers showed him standing with his wife and young daughter aged 8 or 9 in front of a house covered in flowers. Some of the local inhabitants of the village came out to see him and passed the very moving photo between them. The Gendarmes ordered that the body be taken to a house in the neighbouring village of Chez Beaulon. A cart pulled by a horse belonging to Edward Bouinot, the father of Thérèse Lafon, is for the moment transformed into an improvised hearse. The two Gendarmes following behind them.

The body of Sergent Ashworth did not stay laid out on the bed for long, arms crossed over the chest. Having made their report the Gendarmes left. Later that afternoon, some German Soldiers arrived in an open truck and took the body to Montendre where he would be buried in the local cemetery. (After the war his body was returned to the U.S. and buried at Long Island National Cemetery, New York.) 

Château de la Hoguette in the commune of Chamouillac, South of the Charente-Maritime
Robert Warner at the château de la Hoguette.
Sergeant Robert Wagner jumped from the plane straight after Lieutenant Gustave Kotta. He delayed opening his parachute until he was at 500 metres from the ground, loosing during his jump his pair of military boots which were attached to his harness. He landed in the middle of a farm and was seen by a man and a woman. They continued their work not offering any help to the airmen who had injured his foot landing heavily on the ground. Robert Warner had landed around the town of Chamouillac. It would be the beginning of an adventurous week in that area. He takes up his story in his evasion report number 627 after his return to England on 11th May 1944 :

"I cleared away my parachute. Then jumped a barbed wire fence and headed towards a grove. I hid my parachute in some long grass. My foot was in a lot of pain and I was feeling pretty rough. In spite of the pain and believing that the Germans would arrive at any moment, I started to walk north thinking that the Germans would expect me to head south. On the edge of a copse, another airman was surrounded by some Frenchmen. I went towards him but he was injured. I could do nothing for him. The Frenchmen around him motioned to me to leave the area. I left him knowing it was impossible to help him or to return later to him. Some minutes later in the wood I came across a man who pretended he hadn't seen me. But he returned an hour later with some bread and cognac for me. He then took me  to a neighbour's house".

This kind man was Raoul Joulin, a farm worker who lived in a house in the grounds of the château de la Hoguette, about 500 metres to the west of Chamouillac. The château was an old manor house entirely restored in the 17th century. The owner, the viscount de Roquefeuil, rarely stayed there and only in the summer. He had a couple by the name of Yvon and Madeleine Dugue look after and upkeep the château, who at the same time tended some rows of vines and bit of land. The château was otherwise the responsibility of Edgard Joulin and his wife Marie-Louise, helped by their two sons, Maurice aged 26 who was unmarried and Raoul aged 22 and married to Marcelle Orsonneau. This family lived in a large farmhouse attached to the château and made use of some of the land and had a herd of around 20 cows.

Raoul Joulin talks about the circumstances of his meeting with the American Aviator Robert Warner : "We were quite close, my brother and I, to where the plane crashed. In fact, we were chopping wood in the pine forest, away from the château de la Hoguette, about two or three kms as the crow flies towards Marcillac. Seeing all the parachutists in the sky I jumped on my bike to get back to the farm and see what was going to happen. My mother and my wife told me that an airman had landed nearby. I went out to try and find him, which I did.

When the airman saw me he hid, which saved him as the German Police were patrolling on motor bikes all around the area. But I made some signs to him to show I was friendly. The American came towards me and I told him to hide in some bushes telling him that he would be safe. There was no way he could walk to the château without being spotted.
It was necessary that he stayed where he was for security. I had also made a sign for him to stay hidden and not move. Returning to the farm I untied one of our horses and hooked it up to a cart filled with cabbages and returned across some fields to the wood. The parachutist got onto the cart and hidden under the cabbages he could not be seen. Nobody suspected anything. When we got to the house my mother and my wife took the fugitive and hid him in a bedroom in the château".

S/Sgt Louis C. Sortino
Raoul Joulin points out that his father was busy carrying out his work on the farm. On returning from the fields, he had seen the American and at first was not at all happy with the situation. He was thinking of his family and was worried that the Germans would search the buildings and find the airman. He went to meet the American and on seeing him welcomed his new guest.

Another Parachutist had also landed close to the château de la Hoguette in the small village of "Chez Sirouet". Having been shot by German fighter planes while in the air he landed seriously injured. This information has been provided by Maurice Joulin and other habitants of Chamouillac and fits in with Robert Warner's statement. In his evasion report he speaks of seeing another parachutist looking in a pretty bad way and obviously unable to flee the scene. The Germans had then quickly captured him on the spot where he'd landed. The facts known would suppose that the seriously injured Airman would have been Sergeant Louis Sortino.

Gustavo Kotta rejoins his fellow crew member Robert Warner.
Lieutenant Gustavo Kotta, bomber on board "Flak Bait" had jumped from the plane just after the Navigator Richard Wilson. In his evasion report no. 570 he speaks of the events that followed. "I had immediately opened my parachute. I saw two others, one unopened and a second below. (It is very likely that the unopened parachute is that of Sergeant Edwin Ashworth). Mine balanced itself quite quickly and I landed quite heavily in a forest. As I was hiding my parachute and equipment in the undergrowth a Frenchmen, probably a lumberjack passed along a lane followed by his dog. I dropped flat to the ground, the dog came over and sniffed me but the man who had certainly seen me continued to walk on.

I had established approximately my position using the maps and my compass from my evasion kit. Having put on my military boots which had been attached to my parachute and removed my badges and being close to the Sea I started to walk in the direction south-east away from the coast as per my instructions. Some minutes later, at the edge of the wood, I noticed two young men coming along on their bicycles. Having called over that they knew who I was they came over and shaking my hand said "camarade". These two men hid me in the wood, brought me some clothes and some food and then later that night took me over to the house of a farmer.

Lieutenant Kotta had landed in the woods near the small village of "Le Mandin", near the coast and in the direction of Marcillac, not far away from where the plane had crashed. A young man by the name of Georges Lalande, had seen the plane crash a few kms away from his father's farm at Sénégal, close to Montendre and decided to go and help the airmen. He took his bicycle and got one of his friends, Jean Plaisance, to go with him. These are the two young men that had called over to Gustavo Kotta in the wood. The parachutist had slightly injured his ankle. So they had hidden him in the thicket and went for help.

Georges Lalande returned to the house to let his father know what he'd been up to. His father, René, without any hesitation, went with the two boys, taking bottles of wine and hot drinks. But the area was swarming with German motorised patrols. René Lalande weighed up the danger of helping an American fugitive. Such an operation could only be done at night and with extreme precaution.

However, in the course of the afternoon, the news had spread. André Faurie, living at Chez Pignon, had heard that an American had parachuted nearby. His curiosity won over the need to be prudent. With two of his friends, Jacques Rousseau and the sister of Jean Plaisance, a student who knew a little Spanish, went looking for the American. They found him, made sure he was okay and promised to return later that evening. André says that he and his father walked for a few kms in the dark to the hiding place, but it was empty and the American was no where to be seen. René Lalande and his son Georges had arrived earlier. When the evening had fallen they had left for the wood with Jean Plaisance and Jacques Rousseau. The airman was frozen with cold in the place where he'd been left. With his ankle in pain he had to be moved sitting on the cross bar of a bicycle. En route the five men had to lie flat in the undergrowth to evade being seen by enemy patrols. Finally they arrived at René Lalande's farm where a wood fire had been lit and hot drinks were awaiting the new guest. With all the kindness and welcome he had been given he practically cried with joy showing his gratitude to all in the room.

"The next morning" René Lalande goes on to say, "I went into his bedroom and wished him a happy New Year. We both felt that we had to give each other a big hug. At that moment I heard the sound of a big motorbike stopping in front of the house. I went out to see who it was. An officer sitting in the side car asked me in a gruff voice if I had seen any parachutists. I replied I hadn't and he left without suspecting anything. However, with such a high alert in the area I knew that I couldn't look after my guest for long. I had to find a solution. Using a trusted friend as an intermediary I contacted Fernand Couillaud, the mayor of Chartuzac and a member of the local Résistance. This man came the follùowing day and took the American on his motorbike to a place unknown to me". This account was given by René Lalande on 13th January 1946 and addressed to the préfet of the Charente-Maritime. Correspondance began after the war between the Lalande and Kotta families. The Kotta family were keen to show their gratitude to Gustavo's helper from the Charentes and sent a jewellery box containing a dozen silver spoons made in the U.S.

Fernand Couillaud, in his capacity as the Mayor, was able to help any young men who were refusing to work over in Germany (Service du Travail Obligatoire). He would obtain false papers, ration cards and direct them to farms where members of the Résistance held out. Equally he was interested in helping any American airmen hiding from the Germans. Gustavo Kotta, hidden at the home of René Lalande would be taken under his wing. In the meantime the Mayor of Chartuzac had learnt that another parachutist was being hidden at the château de la Hoguette. How did he know ? The secret had not been well kept and tongues started to wag quite quickly. So, he asked the Joulin family if they would look after a second American under their roof. The transfer was organised by motorbike during the day of 2nd January 1944. But instead of going directly to the château de la Hoguette, Fernand Couillaud felt the need to ride with his passenger through some roads of Montendre and to stop at a few cafés. A brave man but very risky. Perhaps by showing off he had wanted to show that he could behave like this freely without the Germans knowing.

The Café de Paris, well placed across from the market, was run by Jean Cazes and his mother aged 75. It's the main meeting place for all the locals. They had a kitchen at the back of the bar with a side exit onto a back street. The waitress at this time was Lucette Lebrun, who had concerns when Fernand Couillaud had brought the American into the kitchen to hide him from unwanted attention out front and present him to his friends. The American was dressed in blue workers clothes, a little rough looking and a little too large for him. Madame Cazes and the waitress hugged him and wished him a happy New Year. They were at the same time surprised to see him there knowing there were Germans sitting out in the café bar. All of a sudden his visit was cut short, and he was ushered out by Fernand out the back of the building.

The Mayor of Chartuzac arrived at the château de la Hoguette. The Joulin family were not aware of what had been going on in Montendre and the risks being taken. Would they have agreed to look after another American if they'd known ? Gustavo Kotta was reunited with his fellow crew member Robert Warner. A room had been been set up for them with two beds situated at the back of the château. In case of danger, the two men could escape by a door which lead out to the woods.

Robert Warner and Gustavo Kotta.
Photo taken by Henry Baudry at the château

It was winter and very cold. The bedroom had no chimney and wasn't heated. Marcelle Joulin remembers giving some heated bricks so the Americans could warm their feet and hands. They were not allowed to leave the building. They had their lunch in the bedroom, which the Joulin family prepared for them. In the evening the Dugue family provided their meal. From time to time they would be invited down to eat in the dining room in one of the wings of the château.

His son-in-law Henry Baudry aged 23 and his daughter Marie-Yvonne aged 17, recently married and living in the village of Tuilerie, in the commune of Chamouillac, came regularly to visit their parents. During the time that the Americans were staying there, the young couple stayed their too and joined everyone for dinner. One evening, Madeleine Dugue prepared a rabbit and shallot stew. With the help of a French-English dictionary the word "game" had been explained to the aviators who were amazed by the friendship they were being shown. After the meal, the evening was generally rounded off with a game of cards played with a few French friends.

After two or three days, it was decided to kit the Americans out properly. Some shopkeepers in Montendre, well known to the Joulins for their discretion, had no hesitation in offering some civilian clothes that fitted the Americans properly. The clothes shop 'Anglade' provided each of them a ready to wear grey suit. The shoes came from the shop 'Tuffreau' and the shop 'Mignot' completed the new look by donating shirts, socks and ties.

The two Americans were very happy to now be dressed in their brand new French style clothes. Gustavo Kotta was a little smaller than Robert Warner, and perhaps more comfortable in his clothes than his fellow American. Some photos taken by Henry Baudry on his old Kodak illustrate this well. The son-in-law of Yvon Dugue had taken several shots, individual and in groups, in the drawing room, with a backdrop of period furniture. One of the photos shows the Joulin brothers and Marie-Yvonne Baudry at the sides of their new friends dressed in their new clothes.

Photo taken in the drawing room of the château.
From left to right : Raoul Joulin, his wife Marcelle, Marie-Yvonne Baudry (daughter of Mr and Mrs Dugué, her husband Henry took the photograph), Robert Warner and Gustavo Kotta.

They stayed around eight days. Fernand Couillaud organised their departure after having contacted a Résistance network around the area of Bordeaux. This clandestine group took charge of them sending over a car to a place that had been arranged earlier, on the road to Reignac. Before they left it was necessary to hide their American made wrist watches. Raoul Joulin's wife had the idea of unpicking a sleeve of each jacket and inserting the possibly compromising objects in the shoulder pads.

The regional branch of the Résistance network 'Brutus' took charge of the two Americans once they left the château de la Hoguette. Doctor Pierre Auriac, a Doctor at Pont-de-la-Maye, in the suburbs of Bordeaux, was one of its influential members. He was in touch with another résistant, Georges Tissot, from one of the evasion lines for allied airmen down to Spain.

Gustavo Kotta and Robert Warner were initially looked after by Pierre Auriac who did not hesitate to have his photo taken alongside Gustavo. This photo was found and published by the Doctor Dartigues in his book "Les hommes en blanc dans la clandestinité, la résistance médicale à Bordeaux et en Gironde", published in 1996.

Gustavo did not stay with him long. The two airmen were taken over to a local résistance group situated close to Miramont-de-Guyenne, in the département of Lot-et-Garonne. Some weeks later, the résistants Pierre Auriac and Georges Tissot, whose network was probably being tracked down by the Germans, decided to cross clandestinely into Spain. All four of them then made it down to the Basque region by car where they were hidden for eight days with the Chango family at Saint-Just-Ibarre. With the help of guides, essential in the Pyrénées covered in snow, they crossed successfully. The four fugitives found themselves safely and in a neutral country, but a little worried about the red tape of the Spanish authorities. After a stay in an internment camp at Miranda de Ebro the two Frenchmen were allowed to leave and managed to get over to North Africa where they joined the French Commandos. As for the Americans, they were helped by their consulate in Spain and taken down to Gibraltar. Their return to England was organised for 17th April 1944 for Gustavo Kotta and 11th May 1944 for Robert Warner.

Sergeant Bennie Ricci at Boisredon then at Jonzac
At the village of "Chez Rhodes", in the commune of Courpignac, Marcel Brifaud ran a smallholding which included some rows of vines. His son Marcel, aged 24, helped him in his agricultural work and doing all that was necessary on a daily basis for a modest sized livestock. The two men were in the middle of chopping wood in the pine forest around Bondou when the american bomber found itself in trouble above their heads. Some airmen had parachuted out. One of them landed quite near to the two Frenchmen. They immediately went to his aid. It was Sergeant Bennie Ricci, the tail gunner, a young man of around 20 years of age of Italian origin.

The buildings of the smallholding run by the Briffaud family were about 1 km away from where the American airmen had landed. He was taken quickly across fields up to the house. All were a little anxious as this was done in daylight and the Germans had began to patrol the area and interrogate the locals. A German side-car pulled up in the village of "Chez Rhodes" and Marcel Briffaud, standing on the step of his home, answered their probing questions as calmly as possible. At the same time, Benni Ricci was taking a few moments of rest in the bedroom of the young Marcel.

Mr and Mrs Briffaud had dressed the American in their sons old clothes who was the same size. They had to explain to him that it would not be possible to look after him for long. Communication was not easy and they had to use gestures and drawings to let me him know that he would be taken during the night away from the house using back roads over to Boisredon, a village about 2 kms away. In the meantime Marcel junior let his young fiancée know that he would not be able to take her to the cinema that evening, putting her in the picture of his new secret and of the goings on that evening planned by his father.

Raphaël Robert, from Boisredon, welcomed Bennie Ricci at his house. Marcel Briffaud knew that he was part of the local Résistance. From 1943, this patriot from the Charente became the chief of the 'Navarre' network in the area around Mirambeau. His clandestine activities had multiplied, welcoming young men who had refused to go to Germany as enforced labour under the Service du Travail Obligatoire (S.T.O.), distributing false identity cards to some and food ration cards to others, as well as providing financial aid to Jews in need of help. In spite of many arrests in the area he had not been discouraged and continued to work for the Résistance right up to the liberation of his area at the end of August 1944.

Raphaël Robert was a mechanic at Boisredon, his wife Laurentia had worked at a grocery shop in the town. Since her death in 1941, Raphaël lived alone with his sister Ginette, born in 1930, who has provided the following account of the welcome given to the American parachutist :
"My father had collected the aviator during the night of 31st December / 1st January. I had written the words Happy New Year in English on a card placed next to a hot cup of coffee made especially for him. This was to give him confidence and to make him feel welcome. In spite of the coffee and the card and in spite of our efforts to speak to him in English, he was frozen with fear and wouldn't or couldn't say a word. We had hidden him in a house nearby that was uninhabited. He stayed there the night. We took him a meal during the day and in the evening he joined my father and I for dinner. If anyone knocked at the door he had to quickly hide under a cover behind a partition that been put up by my father".

Bennie Ricci stayed four days with Raphaël Robert. Then it was decided to get him to an escape line. Nelson Fumeau, from Jonzac, received a call asking him "to go collect a 'parcel' at Boisredon". In the language of the Résistance, the meaning is clear. The 'parcel' is no other than the escaped parachutist that he would need to give a new hiding place. Nelson Fumeau dropped what he was doing and without any worries collected and brought back the American to Jonzac. There, he was hidden for four days and then moved again, this time to Ozillac, quite close, and hidden again for four days. (Bennie Ricci never forgot the help that Nelson Fumeau had given him. Nelson received on 31st December 1979, thirty six years later, a long letter, very detailed, telling him that the young airman at the time was now a furniture upholsterer and a had a grand-daughter. The years may have passed but the memories had remained close to Bennie's heart). Next a reunion is organised at Etauliers where Bennie met up again with three of his fellow crew members, pilot Charles Frascati, co pilot Victor Swenson and sergeant Felix Anderson. The full story of this group's evasion is given in the following paragraph.

Four American airmen reunited at Etauliers.
Several crew members of "Flak Bait" had landed around Reignac-de-Blaye, in the Gironde. One of them, pilot Charles Frascati had landed close to the cemetery. Having been shot in his thigh, he was picked up by some locals who gave him new clothes and fed him. (In the book "Chroniques de souffrance et de lumière" by Pierre Boyriez published by Burgus in 1995, the author mentions some of the people from Reignac-de-Blaye who helped Lieutenant Frascati, they were Arthémis Mazaubert, Raymond Villesot and Henri Amoux. But, above all, it says that he had been helped by Pierre Sardot and Madame Dard). Because he was being troubled by his injury, he was taken to Dr Vaux, who declared that he would be unable to extract the bullet. The airman who was in a bad way was then put in the hands of André Garbay, Dr Vaux's chauffeur, who took Frascati over to his parents at Etauliers who would look after him for the moment.

The injured American had a fever and he urgently needed help. André Garbay decided to take him over to the hospital at Saint-André at Bordeaux where a group of practitioners were working for the Résistance. The two men took a train from Le Blayais which passed by Etauliers. As a disguise, Lieutenant Frascati wore dark glasses and walked with a white cane to appear to be a blind man and would hopefully reduce the chance of being asked questions or entering into any probing conversation.

Returning from Bordeaux the same day around the 1st / 2nd January 1944, André Garbay took Frascati over to a family friend, Yvonne Miaille, who lived in an isolated house on the edge of Le Marais at Le Mazerat, a few kms from Etauliers. The lady was divorced and lived with her two daughters, Claude and Huguette. Huguette was a teacher at Pleine-Selve and at the time of the arrival of the American she was staying at her mother's house as it was during the school holidays.

Two other airmen, Lieutenant Victor Swenson and Sergeant Felix Anderson had also landed around Reignac-de-Blaye. One of them landed in the small village of Mouillots, not far from Marcel Medart's house. Avoiding being found by the Germans and having the luck of receiving immediate help, they were finally taken in by the family of André Garbay who a little later took them over to Yvonne Miaille. This courageous lady was now looking after three of the airmen and in a few days an escape line was found for them. A tricky mission that would involve her two daughters.

The three parachutists had at their disposal two bedrooms with a bed each. For food Claude Mialle had to manage to buy enough bread for six people using fake ration cards. It was necessary to avoid the attention of neighbours as there was more housework to do than normal and more daily excursions. The three men were forbidden to leave the house and they had to stay the whole day in one room a few metres square, this was sometimes a little too much to ask.

This situation probably lasted around 12 days. The time came to leave for their attempt to get to the Pyrénées and over into Spain, a voyage probably organised by some friends of André Garbay who were in the Résistance. A fourth airmen joined them. It was Bennie Ricci, recently hidden at Ozillac and then taken to Mazaret. He did not stay long at the house, Claude Miaille points out, perhaps only an hour. Next, the four Americans were taken in charge by Monsieur Macaud and Pierre Gramont from Etauliers, and driven as far as Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port. From there they began their attempt to cross the Pyrénées but they were stopped by the German Police and taken prisoner. They were then made prisoners of war in Germany and would be liberated at the end of the war.

Commemorative monument at Marcillac.
Close to the crash site near the village of Bondou, a monument in memory to the ten airmen was erected by the municipality of Marcillac. The small stone monument, made by stone masons at Reignac-de-Blaye, consists of a plaque in marble with the names of the ten crew members of "Flak Bait". Its inauguration took place on 3rd March 2003 in the presence of Jean-Marie Huchet, the Mayor of Marcillac, and Nancy Cooper, U.S. Consul at Bordeaux.
After the war, Charles Frascati kept in contact for a long time with the Miaille family. The author Bernard Ballanger thanks Raymond Gay from Marcillac for the numerous pieces of information that he had been very happy to share in the writing of the book.

An airmen is welcomed by Marguerite Freuchet.
At the time, Marguerite Freuchet was 32 years old and lived in the village of Chez Faure in the commune of Courpignac. Julien, her husband, was a farmer. But to earn extra money he worked during the week at a factory that made fire bricks at Montendre.

Not far from their house a creek supplied a watermill thanks to a diversion. It is there, in a meadow surrounded by water that an unidentified parachutist landed from the Frascati crew. Locals from the village had followed by eye his descent. But only Marguerite had gone to his aid in spite of all the warnings and advice not to by her neighbours and the pleas from her two daughters, Lea, aged 11 and Huguette, aged 9 who were trying to stop her.

The airman was taken to the house and comforted. A large meal was served to him. Marguerite thought he must be given some civilian clothes. The flight suit was swapped for some of her husband's old blue work clothes. The trousers were a little short and the jacket a little tight. However, this was all they had and it would mean that if he was seen outside he would not stand out.

During the afternoon, the gendarmes at Mirambeau turned up at the village of Chez Faure to make enquiries. But Marguerite forewarned had hidden the airman safely in the hay barn. He did not need to stay there long but after the gendarmes had gone he left his hiding place without Marguerite noticing. Two farm workers working the nearby fields had seen him making his way to the river and then disappeared.

During the night, someone knocked softly on the shutters of the bedroom on the ground floor of Mr and Mrs Freuchet's house. It is not known if it was the airman, who may have stayed in the area and was asking again for shelter. Thinking of their young daughters, Marguerite did not want to take risks. She did not answer and was not able, if it was the airman, to offer shelter.

Knowing the point where the airmen had jumped, to the west of Montendre, it is certain that this parachutist on the run was part of the crew of "Flak Bait" which crashed in the woods at Lamourette, close to Marcillac. The only two airmen that successfully managed to evade capture were Gustavo Kotta and Robert Warner, one can therefore deduce that the American sheltered for that short period by Marguerite Freuchet had then soon afterwards been made prisoner. It could possibly have been one of three airmen, Richard Wilson, Edward Cannon or Louis Sortino, no information is known on how they were captured.

Memories of Sergeant Cannon.
Louis Sortino
Sergeant Cannon's children very kindly shared some memories written by their father before he died in 1990. 
After he landed, he kissed the ground and thanked God for allowing him to be safe and well. He met two Frenchmen who gave him some bread and jam, which he accepted with gratitude and thanked them. These two kind men advised him to head quickly to a wooded area. This he had hoped would be the start of a long journey across France to reach Spain and gain his freedom. However, he was picked up by the Police when he passed through a town. 
On 7th January he slept in a cell having received the assurance that, he believed, that we would be taken to a Résistance group the following day and then eventually taken over the Pyrénées. The next morning, accompanied by the Police in a small restaurant, he was handed over to the Gestapo. He was arrested and imprisoned for the night. The next day he was interrogated and the following day he was taken down to Toulouse where he was put in isolation for three weeks. 
Around 15th February, along with some other prisoners, he was transferred by train to the prison at Fresnes and put in a cell. He stayed there a month and then again transferred, this time to Wiesbaden in Germany. A few days later he was taken by truck to a temporary camp and then finally taken by truck to Stalag 17b near Krems in Austria. He would be liberated the 9th May 1945 by Russian troops.

Lieutenant Navigator Richard Wilson.
He evaded capture for a while and was hidden at the home of Roger Ladepeche at Saint-Yzan-de-Soudiac, in Gironde. He had hidden eleven American Airmen. It is not known how Lieutenant Wilson was captured and subsequently imprisoned.

Monument in memory to the ten airmen.
The monument states that the plane was known as "Devil Dream" but the authors research shows that it could have been known under the name of "Flak "Bait". However, its true name has not been confirmed. 
To the left of the monument are part of the landing gear from the B-24.

On the same mission the 446th BG lost another plane, "Buzz Buggy" flown by Lt. L.V. Allen which crashed for an unknown reason in the vicinity of Mimizan, southwest of Bordeaux, all 10 crewmen were killed. (Missing Aircraft Report #1679).

Other stories concerning mission no. 171 31st December 1943 (link)
Norfolk and Suffolk Aviation Museum and home of the 446th BG memorial at Flixton (link)
Each year on 31st December a ceremony is held in France at the monument dedicated to the crew from the 446th BG : 2012 / 2016

Further reading :
"The History of the 446th Bomb Group 1943 - 1945" compiled by Harold E. Jansen (1989)

Vouzan (16) : Ligne de démarcation

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Lieu de mémoire

Photos du panneau commémorant la ligne de démarcation situé près de Vouzan en Charente.

Le panneau comporte un bref historique national et local ainsi que des cartes afin de mieux comprendre ce qu’était la ligne de démarcation qui, de 1940 à 1942, traversait 13 départements français et coupait la Charente sur 85km et 20 communes, de Pleuville au Nord à Combiers au Sud.

La ligne de démarcation n'était cependant pas infranchissable sans laissez-passer. Malgré son étroite surveillance et les risques d'arrestations, d'emprisonnement, de déportation et de mort, de multiples personnes n'ont pas hésité à traverser la ligne clandestinement, essentiellement vers la "zone libre", comme des passeurs de courriers, des prisonniers de guerre évadés, des fugitifs, des familles juives illustriant par là les premiers actes de Résistance.

A lire également :

Inauguration du panneau de la ligne de démarcation à Sers (Charente) (lien)

Ligne de démarcation : La Petitie (Charente) (lien)

Monument de la Section Spéciale de Sabotage au Chêne Vert commune de Grassac (16)

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Section Spéciale de SabotageLieu de mémoire

Le monument a été érigé en 1948 selon la volonté du Capitaine Jacques Nancy, Chef Saboteur au B.C.R.A. de Londres, Fondateur de la Section Spéciale de Sabotage (S.S.S.) et du septembre 1944 Chef de la 2ème Compagnie de la brigade Rac / 50 R.I.

Inauguré le 13 août 1950, le monument se trouve au carrefour de la D25, de la D34 et de la D412 au Chêne Vert, 4 kms de Vouzan, 3,5 kms de Grassac et 4kms de Sers.

Les 29 noms sur le monument :

BARAT G (lien)
BEUDIN Albert, tué le 24 septembre 1944 pendant une patrouille au Camp de César
Colonel BONNIER Claude "Hypoténuse", mort le 9 février 1944 (lien)
BROUSSARD Eugène, tué le 14 avril 1945 (lien)
BUISSON L (Jean), tué le 14 août 1944 (accrochage de Génac)
CHABASSE René "le Perrain""Jean-Louis", tué le 21 février 1944 (lien)
CHABASSE Pierre "le Gd Pierrot", tué le 14 avril 1945 (lien)
DE COPPET Jacques, tué le 25 septembre 1944 pendant une patrouille au Camp de César
CROUZEAU Justin "Julot", exécuté le 3 avril 1944 aux Trois Chênes
DZOUDZEVITCH Serge, tué le 14 avril 1945 (lien)
GAMIN Maurice, tué le 14 avril 1945 (lien)
LAGARDE Rober,t tué le 14 avril 1945 (lien)
LUCIEN Jean, tué le 12 août 1944 (accrochage de Saint-Fraigne) (lien)
MALLARD Louis "Lucien", tué le 9 mai 1944 (accrochage de Ronfleville)
MARCHADIER Robert "Bibendum", tué le 25 juillet 1944 (lien)
MAURIN Roger, tué le 1er janvier 1945
Melle NADAUD Marcelle, mort au camp de Ravensbruck le 26 avril 1945 (lien)
NIAY André, tué le 24 septembre 1944 pendant une patrouille au Camp de César
Mme NOBLET Berthe, mort au camp de Ravensbruck le  21 decembre 1944 (lien)
NOBLET Jules, mort au camp de Neueungamme le 26 novembre 1944  (lien)
DU PARC Jacques "le Vicomte", tué le 10 avril 1945
PROUST I (Louis) "Pierre", tué le 21 août 1944
VERNEUIL Francis, tué le 26 octobre 1944

Photo de la cérémonie du 8 mai en 2015
Commémoration qui réunit chaque année à 11h les trois communes de Grassac, de Vouzan et de Sers
(Photo du Journal Communal de Grassac  N°. 71 Décembre 2015)

Ceci est l'histoire d'un maquis en Dordogne


Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade Rac
Extrait tiré du supplément du journal Forces Françaises - édité par la Brigade Rac (Dordogne-Nord) : Numéro 19 - décembre 1944

Ceci est l'histoire d'un maquis ...
C'est une belle histoire que celle de la naissance d'un maquis...
Au début, il y a toujours la volonté tenace d'une poignée d'hommes. Et puis, le noyau grossit, s-installe, se forme, déménage, se disperse, se d'harceler l'enemmi, malgré les pertes, malgré la faiblesse de l'armement, malgré les coups durs, malgré tout.

Et c'est pourquoi toutes les histoires du maquis se ressemblent comme se ressemblent les épopées.

Aujourd'hui, c'est l'histoire du Groupe Roland, né au centre de la Dordogne, et qui vient de s'intégrer à la Brigade Rac, quelque part sur le front de Royan, que nous évoquons ici, en ce Noël de la Libération - comme un hommage à ceux qui ne désespèrerent jamais, dans les maquis de France...
La sentinelle sait quelle responsabilité est la sienne

Août 1943 - Hors la loi...
Quand on prend le maquis, la première impression est de se trouver dans un monde à part, en dehors duquel tout être humain vous est hostile... On se croit différent de la veille... On regarde tout le monde un peu de travers ; le moindre bruit est une alerte...

Quatre heures du matin... Une douzaine d'hommes errent dans la campagne en plein bled, dans le nord de la Dordogne. Une voiture est venue les poser là... Ils ne savent pas très exactement où ils sont. Pour tout guide et tout espoir, un mot de passe et... le hasard. Tapis dans les broussailles, ils attendent le jour. C'est long... L'aube est froide... Enfin le jeune chef part seul et va frapper à la porte d'une maison isolée... Une brève conversation. L'habitant a un geste d'accueil. Il ne s'est pas trompé. Quelques instants plus tard le petit groupe est réuni et restera là jusqu'à la nuit venue...

Il fait sombre, il pleut. On marche dans les chemins noirs, on trébuche sur les cailloux, on marche dans les ruisseaux. Enfin un « Qui va là ? » Un mot de passe. Une lumière qui jaillit : un maquis.
- Je vous présente le lieutenant Roland et son groupe...
La vie de hors la loi commence...

Tout est à moitié enterré. Ils habitent par six dans des sapes couvertes de feuillages qui émergent à peine du sol. L'armement est composé de revolvers, de fusils de chasse. Aucun moyen de transport n'existe dans le groupe et le ravitaillement qui fait l'objet des expéditions nocturnes est ramené à dos d'homme, par tous les temps et par des chemins invraisemblables... Aucun de ces jeunes ne songe un instant à se plaindre... Ils ont choisi. On rit... On chante... pas trop fort. On veille aussi. La sentinelle sait quelle responsabilité est la sienne et ne dort pas...
... et non moins naturellement la voiture tombe en panne !
Septembre 1943 - Premiers coups de main
Cinq heures du matin. Il fait un froid de canard. Une trentaine d'hommes s'entasse dans une bétaillère. La voiture file sur la route de Limoges vers Périgueux. Le camp Roland va rejoindre Sainte-Alvere où il doit rencontrer le chef départemental : « Mireille ».

Naturellement, il faut éviter de traverser Périgueux, car la Milice veille. On commence donc à faire une quantité de détours. On tourne à droite. Au bout de quelques instants ont lit sur une borne : Périgueux, 4 kms. On tourne à gauche... surgit une autre pancarte : Périgueux, 10 kms. On prend un autre chemin : Périgueux, 2 kms.

Bref, on ne le dépassait jamais... Et le jour se levait. Enfin on trouve la bonne route. A Saint-Pierre-de-Chignac, il faisait complètement jour et les habitants regardaient cette espèce de bateau nég hérissé de mitraillettes avec une terreur pleine d'admiration : « Ils ont quand même culottés ! Hein !...»
Les terroristes « sont très contents d'eux... ».

A table
Enfin Ste-Alvere. Le camp. Présentations :
- Lieutenant Roland. Mon groupe.
- Chef Mireille. Vous serez chef de section chez moi.

Ici le maquis est actif. On fait des coups de mains. Et le premier auquel le groupe Roland participe à ce moment là est celui du « piquage » des tenues dans des chantiers de jeunesse vers Ste-Livrade. Naturellement on avait résolu de faire une expédition nocturne et non moins naturellement la voiture tombe en panne et l'opération dut s'effectuer en plein jour sous les yeux mêmes de la population. Inutile de dire que le chargement à peine terminé, l'alerte fut vite donnée. La police reçut l'ordre de faire des barrages... Il fallut 38 heures pour rentrer... Ils avaient évité 18 barrages.

Si vous les aviez rencontrés ce jours-là vous auriez certainement eu peur : blousons, culottes de cheval et bottes, lunettes, revolvers au côté ces deux cyclistes ont tout l'air de ces terroristes dont on commence à parler à voix basse... Roland et Mireille vont faire une reconnaissance de terrain pour installer un maquis vers Rouffignac. Affamés par leur promenade, ils entrent dans un restaurant et commandent à dejeuner. Autour d'eux, les conversations vont leur train. On parle beaucoup d'un « coup » fait par les « maquis » sur les chantiers de jeunesse... On dit qu'ils ont eu 38 heures de voyage, et qu'ils ont franchi maints barrages... Les deux maquisards s'amusent beaucoup.
Dans les bois de Boudeau près de Périgueux et Saint Astier
Première alerte
On avait prévu le déménagement de Ste-Alvere bien avant l'alerte. Et un matin, brusquement, 400 G.M.R. envahissent les environs du camp. Le camp est presque encerclé et il y aura de la bagarre. Ce sont pourtant des Français. Il faut à tout prix éviter de se tirer dessus. On part donc à la rencontre du commandant de la garde qui pose ses conditions :
- Une demi-heure pour fuir en laissant armes et bagages.
Refus net des maquisards. Le Commandant s'arrache les chevaux de désespoir...
Alors les « terroristes » posent aussi leurs conditions : Ils lui font comprendre qu'il peut donner
plus d'une demi-heure...
- Nous sommes nombreux et bien armé (sic). Pendant deux jours vous allez fermer les yeux,
sans quoi c'est la bagarre...
Le commandant se rendit à raison, et pendant deux jours, on déménagea pour s'installer au
Thoriac, près de Neuvic...

Aux pluches

A Boudeau la roulante piquée en gare de Thiviers

Une chanson !

Partie de belotte à Boudeau

Un anglais RAF avec nous

Les photos ci-dessus du maquis A.S. Dordogne-Nord sont l'oeuvre d'André Léonard, photographe de la Brigade Rac. Tous nos remerciements à la famille de René de la Tousche (Mission Alexanderpour avoir eu la gentillesse de partager ces photos.

Oradour-sur-Glane : la tragédie du 10 juin 1944 (partie 04)

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Lieu de mémoire

Ci-dessous deux plans d'Oradour-sur-Glane d'un manuscrit sur la tragédie du 10 juin 1944 par un auteur anonyme relatant l’histoire d’Oradour.
Le 1er et des gros plans correspond au plan des ruines de l’ancien village, le 2ème correspond au nouveau village édit par le ministère de la reconstruction et de l’urbanisme, divisé en parcelles nominatives.

Nouveau village

A lire également :

Partie 01 - Un peu d'histoire / Origines du nom / Monuments historiques d'Oradour-sur-Glane (lien)

Partie 02 - Situation géographique (lien)

Partie 03 - La situation en France en juin 1944 / Historique de la journée du 10 juin 1944 à Oradour / Causes de cette tragédie (lien)

L'histoire de Roger Ladépêche qui a aidé plusieurs aviateurs américains au cours de leur évasions

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique PortraitLes Alliés

Tous mes remerciements à Bernard Ballanger pour avoir eu la gentillesse de partager ces photos et l'histoire de Mr Roger Ladépêche qui a aidé plusieurs aviateurs américains au péril de sa vie. (Version in English follows version in French).

Onze aviateurs américains transiterons dans les locaux du docteur Cabanes, médecin généraliste de Saint-André de Cubzac, Charente-Maritime. (Le docteur Cabanes sera arrêté le 17 avril 1944 et déporté au camp de Neuengamme). Une liste des noms et des adresses a été établie par Roger Ladépêche, fervent résistant qui s'avère précieux dans le transport des évadés. On y retrouve les deux fugutifs américains du B-17 qui a fait un atterrissage forcé le 31 décembre 1943 à Experimont (17), Lt Coleman Goldstein et Sgt George Jasman hébergés par la famille Lhermitte, de Polignac, mais aussi deux autres membres du même équipage, Owen Scott et Shirley Casey, ayant réussi leur évasion.

Roger Ladépêche
Trois autres Américains proviennent de deux bombardiers abattus également le 31 décembre 1943 ; à Gimeux d'une part : Edward Knapp et Daniel Norton qui sera fait prisonnier plus tard ; à Marcillac d'autre part : Richard Wilson, également capturé par la suite. Les quatres derniers ont été recueillis après le bombardement du terrain d'aviation de Bordeaux-Merignac effectué le 5 janvier 1944. Ce sont Harold Lockwood, Robert Martin, Georges Bertholdt du B.17F 42-30444, et Meredith Rueff pilote du B.17G 42-37708, tombés tous deux en bordure du lac d'Hourtin, Gironde.

Au-delà de Saint-André-de-Cubzac, la chaine d'évasion va fonctionner. Roger Ladépêche fait partie du groupe de résistants de Saint-Yzan-de-Soudiac, près de Saint-Mariens. Il est aussi chef de dépôt de la compagnie "Citram" de Saint-Mariens. Il dispose de véhicules qui lui permettent de faire les transports d'armes parachutées et la diffusion de journaux clandestins.

C'est ainsi que le 8 janvier il va assurer le transfert par autobus des onze aviateurs américains recueillis par le docteur Cabanes. Il est probable que le maquis de Mussidan n'a pas pu admettre dans son groupe la totalité des nombreux arrivants. Les aviateurs seront dispersés dans des familles amies comme en témoigne Jacqueline Gaussens, dont les parents, à Saint-Antoine-de-Breuil, en Dordogne, ont hébergé Coleman Goldstein et Shirley Casey pendant un mois environ. Par la suite, d'autres filières d'évasion prennent en charge tous ces Américains, séparément ou par petits groupes, les acheminant jusqu'à la frontière espagnole.

Lettre de M. Ladépêche au Sgt Edward Knapp

Coleman Goldstein, Shirley Casey, George Jasman et Owen Scott vont parvenir à passer en Espagne après de multiples péripéties. Les Lieutenants Goldstein et Casey sont restés ensemble, malades tous les deux, l'un de dysenterie, l'autre souffrant d'une pneumonie. Ils finissent par arriver à Gibraltar d'où ils rejoignent la Grande-Bretagne qu'ils retrouvent le 26 mars 1944.

George Jasman et Owen Scott sont conduits à la frontière espagnole par le capitaine Pottier, de Tarbes, qui deviendra plus tard général. Arrivés tous deux à Gibraltar, le premier rejoint l'Angleterre le 23 mars 1944 et le second un jour plus tard.

Toujours dans ses souvenirs, Coleman Goldstein insiste pour rappeler "que c'est grace à de très nombreuses personnes que nous avons pu fui". Sur sa fausse cart d'identité de l'époque qu'il a toujours conservée, le pilote du B.17 avait été nommé Marcel Parcelier, cultivateur.

+    +    +

All our thanks, once again, to Bernard Ballanger who has very kindly shared with us his research into those who had helped Allied airmen in the Charente and Charente-Maritime. 

Roger Ladépêche ran a company based in Saint-Mariens called "Citram" and at great risk to his own life helped eleven American airmen hoping to reach Spain after their planes had crashed in the region.
Roger Ladépêche

In January 1944 eleven American airmen were taken to the premises of Doctor Cabanes, a general practitioner based at Saint-Andre de Cubzac in the Charente-Maritime. (Doctor Cabanes would be arrested on 17th April 1944 and deported to Neuengamme concentration camp in Germany). A list of names and addresses had been composed by Roger Ladépêche, a fervent resistant who took it on himself to help transport allied evaders. Amongst them were two American fugitives from a B-17 that had crash landed on 31st December 1943 at Experimont in the Charente-Maritime. They were Lt Coleman Goldstein and Sgt George Jasman who were being sheltered by the Lhermitte family at Polignac. Also helped by Roger Ladépêche were Owen Scott and Shirley Casey, two Americans from the same crew as Goldstein and Jasman. Scott and Casey would be successful in reaching Spain.

Three other American airmen from two bombers that had also come down on 31st December 1943 ; from the crash at Gimeux : Edward Knapp and Daniel Norton who would later be made a prisoners of war ; crash at Marcillac : Richard Wilson, also captured and made prisoner of war. The remaining four would be sheltered after the bombing of the airfield at Bordeaux-Merignac on 5th January 1944. They were Harold Lockwood, Robert Martin, Georges Bertholdt from the B-17F 42-0444, and Meredith Rueff, pilot from the B-17G 42-37708, both planes came down on the edge of a lake near Hourtin in the Gironde.

Beyond Saint-André-de-Cubzac, the evasion network was functioning well. Roger Ladépêche was part of a group of resistants at Saint-Yzan-de-Soudiac, near Saint-Mariens. He was also in charge of the transport business "Citram" at Saint-Mariens. He had at his disposal vehicles which would allow him to transport parachuted arms and clandestine papers.

It would not be until 8th January that he would be able to transfer by coach some of the eleven American airmen that had been collected by doctor Cabanes. It is likely that the résistance at Mussidan had not been able to take into its group all of the new arrivals. The airmen would be dispersed amongst trusted families, as told in the account given by Jacqueline Gaussens, whose parents at Saint-Antoine-de-Breuil in the Dordogne had looked after Coleman Goldstein and Shirley Casey for around a month. Soon, other evasion lines would take charge of all these Americans and either alone or in small groups, they were taken down to the border with Spain.

Notes added by Sgt Edward Knapp

Coleman Goldstein, Shirley Casey, Georges Jasman and Owen Scott would eventually cross the Pyrénées over to Spain after many attempts. Lieutenants Goldstein and Casey stayed together, both sick, one with dysentery, the other suffering from pneumonia. They finally reached Gibraltar and from there got back to England on 26th March 1944.

George Jasman and Owen Scott were taken to the border with Spain by capitaine Pottier from Tarbes, who would later become a général. Arriving together at Gibraltar, Jasman would get to England on 23 March 1944 with Scott following a day later.

Still in his memories, Coleman Goldstein recalled "that it was thanks to so many people in France that we had been been able to escape". On his false identity card from the time which he had kept, the B-17 pilot had been named Marcel Parcelier and a farmer as his profession.

Other stories concerning mission no. 171 31st December 1943 (link)

Hommage au capitaine Edward Boykin - Brie, Charente-Maritime

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique PortraitLes AlliésBrigade Rac

Tous nos remerciements à Bernard Ballanger pour avoir eu la gentillesse de partager cette histoire, ces photos et ce document sur le captaine Edward Boykin. (Version in English below).

Edward Boykin Jr  jeune cadet
(élève pilote à Maxwel Field en 1941)
En 1997, la municipalité de Médis a décédé d'honorer la mémoire du capitaine Edward Boykin, mort en mission près du terrain d'aviation, en donnant son nom à une nouvelle rue du hameau de Brie. La cérémonie est organisée en relation avec l'Amicale de la brigade RAC de la Charente-Maritime qui le même jour doit commémorer les soldats tombés devant Brie. La cérémonie d'inauguration a eu lieu le 30 avril 1997 en présence du frère de la victime et de sa famille.

La fortresse volante du 351ème BG USAAF basée à Polebrook s'est écrasée le 31 décembre 1943 au nord de l'aérodrome de Médis. Les onze aviateurs ont pu sauter en parachute sauf deux d'entre eux, James Taylor et Edward Boykin, blessés par des éclats d'obus et restés à bord. Ceux deux hommes sont morts dans le crash de leur appareil ainsi que John Blaylock dont le parachute ne s'est pas ouvert. Les huit autres membres d'équipage été faits prisonniers. Le capitaine Edward Boykin a été enterré provisoirement au cimetière de Royan.

Le 30 avril 1997, jour de l'inauguration, aux anciens combattants s'est jointe la famille du capitaine Boykin venue spécialement des États-Unis : Sam, le frère du disparu, son épouse, ses quatre filles Barbara, Ginger, Brenda, Beverly, ainsi qu'un gendre, Jim. La journée commémorative commence avec les dépôts de gerbes au pied de la stèle de la brigade RAC (maquis originaire de Dordogne-Nord) qui s'elevant à l'entrée et à la sortie du hameau de Brie. Puis la plaque de la rue capitaine Edward Boykin est dévoilée par Sam Boykin et le maire de Médis, Jean-Pierre Roux.

Edward Boykin - Primary Flight School Camden S.C en 1942

All our thanks to Bernard Ballanger for sharing the story, pictures and document on USAAF Captain Edward Boykin.

In 1997, the town of Médis decided to honour the memory of captain Edward Boykin, killed during a mission near the airfield at Royan/Médis in giving his name to a new road in the village of Brie. The ceremony was organised alongside the Amicale de la brigade RAC at Charente-Maritime who the same day commemorated its soldiers who were killed liberating Brie. The inauguration ceremony took place on 30th April 1997  by Edward Boykin's brother and his family.

Captain Boykin is on the right standing in front of a B-17
The flying fortress of the 351st BG USAAF based at Polebrook crashed on the 31st December 1943 to the north of the airfield at Médis. Nine of the  crew members were able to parachute out but James Taylor and Edward Boykin who had been injured by shrapnel from enemy shells remained on board. These two men died in the crash and one of the crew John Blaylock died on impact when his parachute did not open. The other eight crew members were taken prisoner. Captain Edward Boykin had been buried provisionally in the cemetery at Royan.

On 30th April 1997, the day of the inauguration, ex-soldiers of la brigade RAC and their families were joined with the family of captain Boykin, who had come over from the U.S. especially for the ceremony. Present was his brother Sam, Sam's wife and four daughters, Barbara, Ginger, Brenda and Beverly as well as his brother-in-law Jim. The day of commemoration started with the laying of wreaths at the foot of the monument in memory of the soldiers of la brigade RAC, the maquis group that originated in the north of the Dordogne and became the 50th R.I. during the fight for Royan in late 1944/1945. The monument is situated at the entry to the village of Brie. Next a plaque for the rue du capitaine Edward Boykin was unveiled by Sam Boykin and the Mayor of Médis, Jean-Pierre Roux.

Lettre du général Arnold envoyée en 1945 à la mère du Cne Boykin

A lire également / further reading :

8th USAAF - 31st December 1943 : mission no. 171 - South West France (lien/link)

2012 : Nouvelle stèle de la brigade Rac à Brie (lien/link)

Cérémonie à la mémoire de René Chabasse : le 21 février 2017 à 17 heures

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Lieu de mémoireÉvènement 

Cérémonie à la mémoire de René Chabasse.

Comme chaque année, elle sera très simple et se déroulera sur le lieu et à l'heure où il a été abattu : le 21 février à 17 heures à l'angle de la rue Périgueux et du boulevard René Chabasse, Angoulême.

L'année dernière pendant la cérémonie annuelle une nouvelle stèle a été inaugurée pour commémorer le sacrifice de René Chabasse, héros de la Résistance, mort pour la France à Angoulême le 21 février 1944 à l'âge de 23 ans.

La cérémonie est organisée par la Mairie d'Angoulême et Madame Gros-Duruisseau, présidente de l'Association des Déportes, Internés et Familles de Disparus de la Charente.

A lire également :

Nouvelle stèle à la memoire de René Chabasse - Angoulême (lien)
René Chabasse : 1946 - Inauguration de la plaque commémorative à Angoulême (lien)

« La Micheline de 18h23 » un romain hommage à la résistance sud-ouest

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Document et livre

« La Micheline de 18h23 » par Michel Fabre, un roman hommage aux résistants et victimes de la barbarie nazie.

A la mi-février 2017 est arrivé en librairie un roman dont l’histoire est celle d’une rencontre entre deux passionnés de trains, de Micheline et de vapeurs. Entre ces deux êtres que la vie n’a pas épargnés (un enfant peureux injustement maltraité à l’école et un homme au corps meurtri par un mal incurable et mystérieux) se construit une amitié touchante autour de la réalisation commune d’un modèle réduit d’une locomotive vapeur. Le garçon s’émeut des souffrances et des humiliations qui ont dû être celles de son ami quand il avait son âge. De quoi le pousser à vouloir être courageux pour deux. Mais ses beaux sentiments volent en éclats le jour où il se sent trahi par celui au nom duquel il commençait à cultiver la volonté de reconnaître ses peurs et la force de les affronter. Quel est le secret de M. Vayssettes ? Quel homme deviendra finalement cet enfant s’il ne lui reste que du ressentiment pour se construire ? 

Ce livre tendre et grave nous conduit de l’Aveyron des années 60/80 à Toulouse et sa région à la fin des années 30 et pendant l’occupation allemande. Inspiré de personnages réels de la résistance et du parcours des déportés matricule 14000 c’est un hommage à l’héroïsme résistant et un réquisitoire contre l’intolérance et la barbarie sous toutes ses formes.  Un roman aussi passionnant que salutaire face aux peurs que nous devons affronter aujourd’hui.

En librairie et sur les sites web de vente depuis le 10 février 2017

Extrait lu par Michel Fabre - YouTube (lien)

Brigade Rac - Cognac novembre 1944 : Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Je viens d'acquérir un lot correspondance de l'époque fin 1944 à fin 1945 de Louis Bigot, canonnier, conducteur de la brigade Rac à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot. Il y a 11 lettres et quelques cartes postales.

Lettre du 9 novembre 1944 - Cognac

Brigade Rac - P.C. St. Porchaire novembre 1944 : Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Lettre de Louis Bigot, cannonier du groupe d'artillerie de la brigade Rac envoyé à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot le 25 novembre 1944.

Brigade Rac - Janvier 1945 : Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Lettre de Louis Bigot, cannonier du groupe d'artillerie de la brigade Rac envoyé à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot le 14 janvier 1945.

Brigade Rac / 50e R.I. - Mars 1945 - Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Lettre de Louis Bigot, cannonier du groupe d'artillerie de la brigade Rac / 50e R.I. envoyé à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot le 4 mars 1945.

Etat-Major de la brigade Rac / 50e R.I. - Mars 1945 - Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Lettre du cannonier Louis Bigot, Compagnie de canons, la brigade Rac / 50e R.I. envoyé à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot le 13 mars 1945.

Brigade Rac / 50e R.I. - Le 26 mars 1945 - Lettre d'un soldat à sa soeur

Rédigé par Alan dans la rubrique Brigade RacDocument et livre

Lettre du cannonier Louis Bigot, Compagnie de canons, la brigade Rac / 50e R.I. envoyé à sa soeur Madeleine Bigot le 26 mars 1945.

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